About The Fund:

What is the Fund for Innovation in Cancer Informatics?

The Fund for Innovation in Cancer Informatics (ICI) provides grants to support and test novel bioinformatics applications in cancer. The Fund enables cancer researchers to develop data on the efficacy of their approach that may in turn enable them to obtain additional funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Science Foundation (NSF), or other research foundations supporting cancer research. ICI grants support investigator-initiated projects for up to 2 years.  Awards may be up to $100,000 per year (direct costs), plus 12% allowable indirect costs.  Two-year grant submissions should include mid-grant milestones (at approximately 12-months) for the purpose of evaluating progress toward overall project goals. These milestones must be achieved in order to qualify for the second year of funding.

About Grant Awards:

Are Letters of Recommendation required?

Letters of Recommendation are not required except when using data from an outside source. We also recommend letters when the impact of the work is dependent on outside or indirect parties.