MatchMiner:  Accelerating Enrollment of Patients to Precision Cancer Medicine Clinical Trials

With more than 10,000 open investigational cancer trials and tumor profiling tests that interrogate hundreds of molecular targets, matching trials and patients has become a challenging task. To address this critical need, we have developed MatchMiner, an open computational platform for matching patient-specific genomic profiles to precision cancer medicine clinical trials, and are now developing new modules for better integration into standard clinical practice. These new developments will be added to the open and freely available MatchMiner platform, maximizing potential benefit for cancer patients.


With ICI funding, we have developed new modules and processes for more seamlessly integrating MatchMiner into standard clinical practice at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI). This includes integration of MatchMiner into the DFCI Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system, and integration of MatchMiner into weekly precision medicine tumors boards and tumor board reports, created jointly with the DFCI Gastrointestinal Cancer Treatment Center.  These new developments have resulted in >100 patient matches to clinical trials within DFCI, and have further extended the open and freely available MatchMiner platform, thereby maximizing the potential benefit for cancer patients.

MatchMiner Paper:  James Lindsay, Catherine Del Vecchio Fitz, Zachary Zwiesler, Priti Kumari, Bernd Van Der Veen, Tamba Monrose, Tali Mazor, Susan Barry, Adem Albayrak, Michael Tung, Khanh Do, Suzanne Hector-Barry, Brian Beardslee, Geoffrey Shapiro, John Methot, Lynette Sholl, Laura E. MacConaill, Neil Lindeman, Bruce Johnson, Barrett Rollins, Chris Sander, Michael Hassett, Ethan Cerami.  MatchMiner: An open source computational platform for real-time matching of cancer patients to precision medicine clinical trials using genomic and clinical criteria.  bioRxiv 199489; doi:


MatchMiner Open Source Code

Learn More About MatchMIner: Dana-Farber Team Reports Progress with Precision Oncology Trial Matching Software | DOWNLOAD PDF

PubMed on MatchMiner: an open-source platform for cancer precision medicine