Evaluating Trial TRIAGE, a Point of Service Software Tool that Streamlines Selection of Patient Appropriate Clinical Trials
Clinical research protocols are complex and ever-changing, making it difficult for clinicians to successfully match eligible cancer patients with open trials. We hypothesize that a widely deployable software platform allowing users to input clinically relevant but non-required variables, searches against structured eligibility criteria, and fits seamlessly into a clinician’s workflow would enhance trial accruals and, importantly, reduce screen failures. This system should leverage existing trial management and electronic medical record systems. With this in mind, we have developed Trial TRIAGE – a clinician-friendly, point of service software tool that streamlines selection of patient appropriate clinical trials by analyzing the protocol information store. In this project, we will conduct a formative evaluation of Trial TRIAGE to provide data for prioritizing system enhancements, develop an enhanced version of Trial TRIAGE and evaluate its utility across all phases of treatment trials, and assess Trial TRIAGE’s ability to increase accruals through outside physician referrals.