We have received the online portion of your application. There's one more step:

Please prepare a document per the instructions listed below and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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In no more than 5 pages, please attach the following:

A: Project Description:

  1. Abstract:
    The abstract is critical. Your project is likely to receive a more favorable review if the problem you are solving is clearly important, the methodology promising, and it is clear you know what others have done and how your approach will produce substantially better results.
    • Provide a project summary that addresses the following:
      1. What problem does the project address?
      2. Why is the work important?
      3. What is your hypothesis/objective?
      4. Provide a brief summary of how the project will be accomplished.
      5. Describe why this problem has not been solved previously and very briefly mention relevant work that has been done.
  2. Specific aims:
    List the project objectives and rationale and concisely describe the specific goals of the research, including any hypotheses to be tested. For each aim, describe the research design and methodology that will be used. Include the means by which data will be collected, processed, analyzed, and interpreted. Describe any new methodology and its advantage over existing techniques. Discuss the potential difficulties and limitations of the proposed procedures and alternative approaches to achieve the project’s aims. Note: Projects with unclear, limited or unvalidated data will not score well.
  3. Timetable:
    Provide a timetable for the project.
  4. Mid-Grant Milestones:
    Two-year grant applications should include mid-grant milestones (approximately 12 months) for the purpose of evaluating progress towards overall project goals. These milestones must be achieved in order to qualify for the second year of funding.
  5. Data sharing statement:
    The ICI fund is committed to data sharing and the reuse of tools in a secure and accessible environment. Data or other tools generated from a funded project should be submitted to one or more repositories, commons or other platforms for sharing to support the research community and to help advance cancer discoveries. Please provide a statement to explain how the data or tools resulting from your work will be shared. Please be specific about how you will share your work and your timeline for doing so. 
  6. Statement of innovation:
    What innovation will the ICI funds enable? Describe the existing standard and how your project anticipates changing cancer care.
  7. Translation Statement:
    A) How will your work translate to clinical use/patient care? Specifics are beneficial  - include an estimated time to clinical impact.
    B) Identify your clinical investigator. All projects are strongly encouraged to include a clinical investigator on the team to support project translation. While a Co-PI position is ideal, you may list them as an additional member of your team. Please indicate who your clinical investigator is and attach their bio in the next section.

The following documentation is not included in the 5-page limit:

B: Project Budget, Personnel, and Funding History

We adhere to NIH’s guidelines as they relate to salary cap.
The 12% cap on indirects applies to each year.

  1. Budget:
    Provide a detailed budget, broken down by year 1 and 2, if applicable. ICI awards may not be used for laboratory expenses.
  2. Project personnel:
    Provide the name, title, and role of all individuals who will be involved in the project, including the Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-PI(s). Indicate the percent effort that each person is expected to devote to the project.
  3. Funding history:
    If applicable, indicate any other sources of funding for the proposed or related projects, including the amounts and granting organizations.

C: Project Investigator Biographies

Provide bios of all key project personnel and collaborator(s), preferably in NIH format or similar format that is abbreviated to emphasize experience relevant to the research proposal.

D: References

Although not required, if the investigator has references, they may be included.